CRE Past 事件

CRE Past 事件

Researching the local economy 和 educating the community.

The Center for the Regional Economy (CRE) brings together faculty, students 和 alumni at Saint Mary’s College with business, governmental  和 non-profit groups in the San  Francisco East Bay, the Greater San Francisco Bay Area 和 the Asia-Pacific Region in support of an economy that is economically, socially 和 environmentally sustainable.

Past events hosted by the CRE include:

The Value of 多样性 和 包容
How do leading organizations unlock the value of a diverse talent pool?  Senior executives at Genentech 和 Applied Materials will engage in a conversation on how inclusion creates value for their companies, both in terms of attraction 和 retention of talent, 和 the innovativeness that different perspectives enable, creating a competitive advantage that goes way beyond regulatory compliance.

Monica Poindexter is Director, 多样性 & 包容 at Genentech, where she is responsible for  the design, development 和 implementation of workforce 和 workplace 多样性 和 包容 strategies.  She holds a BA in Sociology from UC Davis 和 an MC in Human 资源/Organizational Development fro the University of San Francisco.

Gustavo de la Torre is Director, Global 多样性 和 包容 at Applied Materials.  Previously he held positions at Apple Computer 和 Santa Clara Valley Water District.  He is a graduate of San Jose State University.

Eduardo Salaz is Director of Human 资源 at Saint Mary’s College.Prior to that Eduardo was Chief 多样性 Officer & Human 资源 Director for Intuit, 和 held senior positions at Brocade Communications Systems Inc., Silicon Graphics, Apple Computer, Pacific Gas 和 Electric 和 the General Electric Company.   He holds a degree in Psychology from San Jose State University.

事件: Revolutions in the Arab World: Politics, Religion 和 Economics Panel Discussion
Professor Hisham Ahmed of the Politics Department, an expert on Middle East politics, 和 Professor Tomas Gomez-Arias, Director of the Center for Regional Economy 和 an expert in international economics.

事件:  California Mortgages: Crisis, Jobs 和 Hope
演讲者: Congressman John Garamendi, 10th Congressional District; Gary Zimmerman, Senior Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco; Christopher George (Founder 和 CEO, CMG Mortgage); Moderator: Dr. Tomas Gomez-Arias

事件:  Asian Investments in California: Strategies, Threats 和 Opportunities
演讲者: Mr. Sanjiv Sanghvi, Head of Global Banking, Wells Fargo Bank; Mr. 沃尔特方, President, Neusoft America; Mr. Voytek Siewierski, Partner, Mitsui Ventures; Mr. 布莱恩·康, Managing Director, Samsung Ventures America; Moderators: Dr. 吉姆HawleyDr. Tomas Gomez-Arias

If you have any questions regarding the upcoming events, contact Dr. Tomas Gomez at