River of Words: Young Poets 和 Artists on the Nature of Things


This full-color, 75-页面 guide helps students get beyond impediments to creativity 和 expression. Developed by Louisiana teachers Connie McDonald 和 Harriet Maher, in conjunction with River of Words 和 Milkweed Editions. Hit the button below for the PDF!

Select activities from the Poetry Writing Guide are also available here on our website. 请参阅下面的链接.

1. 选择您的图像.

Below is a carousel of images of winning 和 finalist River of Words artwork created by students in 2015. You can find a full catalogue of artwork by visiting the River of Words Art 和 Poetry Galleries 页面.

2. Look closely at the image 和 jot down whatever 来s to mind.

Some questions you might consider:

  • What objects do you see? What is in the background? 前台? 
  • What do you imagine is happening in the art?
  • What do you feel when you look at the art?
  • What time of day is it in this artwork? 
  • Does this image remind you of anything?

3. Brainstorm possible ways you might write about the art.

Here are some possibilities:

  • Describe what you see
  • Tell the story that you see happening in the art
  • Write a poem or song to go with the art
  • Imagine a conversation among the subjects. Be来 a person or object in the piece of art, 和 speak from its perspective or from the perspective of something or someone that has been left out of the piece.

4. Now, freewrite for 3-5 minutes.

When you finish freewriting you can:

  • Read it out loud to yourself
  • 给 your piece of writing a title.
  • And of course, share your creation with a 朋友 or loved one!

5. Put your writing in a drawer.

Put your writing away. 让它呼吸. Revisit it later with fresh eyes before you revise.

1. Think of a time someone showed you something wonderful in nature. 

Recall a time someone (a parent, 祖父母, 兄弟姐妹, 朋友, teacher) showed you something wonderful in nature, something they hadn’t really seen or noticed before.

2. Brainstorm experiences to write about 

You can also share ideas with a partner. 

3. Ask yourself journalists questions 

Use journalists’ questions (who, what, when, where, why, how) to prompt yourself or a partner for elaboration.

4. Read “召唤” by Robert Francis 

Take some time to read 和 think about 弗朗西斯的, “召唤” 

5. Read Think about 弗朗西斯的s structures. 

How does Francis structure his poem? There are a lot of comm和s in the poem. This can also be called "imperatives". Go through the poem 和 underline imperatives, such as:

  •  保持
  • 爆炸
  • 跺脚

6. Circle conjunctions 

Circle the conjunctions or 和 而且, used to vary the rhythm of the imperatives. Suggest they play with using structures such as

  • “或者 ... ”
  • “不仅 ... 但“
  • 和 others to 保持 the poem moving.

7. Continue writing with these considerations in mind. 

Try out some comm和s in your poem while you describe a moment someone showed you something wonderful in nature. 

8. Share what you've created 

When you finish freewriting you can:

  • Read it out loud to yourself to see if you will make any edits.
  • 给 your piece of writing a title.
  • And of course, share your creation with a 朋友 or loved one!

9. Submit your writing. 

Submit your writing to potentially be published in the River of Words Anthology.