Jan Term Travel Registration & Important Dates


Travel Registration Timeline

Jan Term Travel timeline


Planning to travel with us?

We've got all your answers right here.

Whether you are traveling abroad or in the US, we know you will have lots of questions. From choosing a travel course to applying for the Jan Term scholarship, registering in a course to making sure your passport and health forms are up to date and submitted, we are here to help make this process as smooth as possible. 

If you have a question that is not answered below, just send us an email at janterm@simendiker.com

Two passports on a world map

Step #0: Passport!

The first thing we recommend students do is to apply for a passport! 

International travel requires a passport which must be valid through July 2024. If your passport expires before then, you must renew your passport and expedite the application.

Non-US passport holders are responsible for researching if you need a visa for the country(ies) you are going to and may be subject to additional costs

Valid identification options for domestic travel include:

  • Passport
  • Passport card
  • Drivers license, other state issued photo ID
students taking notes in an outside class

Step #1: Info Sessions

In mid-spring, the travel courses proposed by the faculty are announced and info sessions are held for each course. There you will learn details about the itinerary, student requirements, prerequisites, costs, and the content of the course. 

Attending an info session in spring or fall is required to be approved to register for a course during registration in the fall semester. Information Session Schedules will be posted on the website, SMC calendars, and flyers posted on bulletin boards around campus.

To be approved for the ability to register, confirm with the instructor that you meet all of the course's requirements and submit your name, SMC ID, SMC email, & phone number to the instructor so they may approve your registration in GaelXpress. Because courses have specific caps, you may want to have a backup travel course in mind, so take the opportunity to learn more about the trips that appeal to you.

SMC Student & Koala in Australia

Step #2: Jan Term Travel Scholarship (Optional)

The January Term Travel Scholarship is an award of 75% of the course fee of a travel course of the applicant's choice. 

Scholarship applications open in August and will close on Thursday, September 14 at 5:00 pm

Scholarship recipients will be announced on Friday, September 15.

Two people talking over a table

Step #3: Jan Term Travel & Study Abroad Fair

Friday, September 15 from 12:30–2:30 p.m.

Come explore this year’s Jan Term Travel offerings, meet the faculty, and learn more about the courses that interest you most!

Louvre museum at sunrise

Step #4: Travel Deposit Window

Monday, September 18 — Thursday, September 21

All students interested in traveling abroad for Jan Term must pay the Travel Deposit, which will either be:

All deposits must be made either in person at the Business Office or via GaelXpress 2.0 through "Student Accounts" by 5:00 pm on Thursday, September 21.

Fish swim near a coral reef

Step #5: Travel Registration

Monday, September 25

Students will receive a schedule from the Registrar’s Office the week before detailing what time each class’s registration window will open (starting with students with senior standing and ending with first-years). All students must register on GaelXpress 2.0 on the registration date and time set by the Registrar's Office.

Please note: Once enrolled in a travel course, the student is responsible for the entire course fee if they choose not to travel. If a student from the waitlist is able to take the spot, a refund is possible though not guaranteed.

Final payment is due on the set deadline. No exceptions can be made.

Saint Mary's Accounting Minor Classroom

Step #6: Mandatory Health & Safety Orientations

Wednesday, October 4, 3:30-4:30 pm (Zoom)
Thursday, October 5, 3:30-4:30 pm (Orinda Room, Soda Center)

All students enrolled in a Travel course must attend one Health & Safety Orientation in order to study abroad. Students who are unable to attend either of the two sessions will need to contact janterm@simendiker.com as soon as possible after registration.

Students stand in the ocean against a bright orange sunset.

Step #7: Final Payment Deadline

Monday, October 23, 5:00 pm

All enrolled Travel students are responsible for submitting their remaining course fee by the date above, regardless of whether they intend to travel.

Step #8: Travel Paperwork Deadline

Monday, November 13, 5:00 pm

All enrolled Travel students must submit: 

  • A copy of their passport biographical page
  • Their student health paperwork 
  • All Jan Term Travel waivers, release forms, and registries listed on the Global Programs and Travel portal

All items must be submitted by the above date in order to study abroad. No exceptions can be made.

Final steps...

Once all required paperwork has been submitted and all necessary payments have been processed, all that's left is to coordinate travel plans and scheduling details with the course instructor for January!

With each course flying to a different region around the globe, it's important to be prepared for the many physical and cultural adjustments students will likely face. Luckily, our Travel faculty have extensive knowledge and experience concerning their courses' destinations, so on top of planning ahead and packing the essentials, students should always follow their instructors' recommendations and never be afraid to ask questions when traveling abroad. 

Travel Courses & Info Sessions

Jan Term Travel students at the beach

Learn more about what travel courses are being offered for Jan Term 2024 and when their info sessions are being held.

Click here

Questions? Contact us

Jan Term Email: janterm@simendiker.com

Jan Term Director: Claire Williams

Email: cmw9@simendiker.com

Jan Term Travel Phone: 925-631-5032

Jan Term Office: South Arcade/Korth Tower Breezeway